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How Long Are Mortgage Offers Valid For?

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Mortgages offers are typically valid for 6 months, although some lenders, typically specialsit non-bank ones, can be less at 3 months.

When you are buying a home, securing a mortgage is a crucial step in the process. One common question that comes up is, “How long are mortgage offers valid for?” Understanding the validity period of a mortgage offer is essential as it impacts your timeline for completing the home purchase.

In this article, we will delve into the typical validity periods for mortgage offers, what happens if your offer expires, and tips for managing the process effectively. 

What is a mortgage offer? 

A mortgage offer is a formal document from a lender confirming that they are willing to lend you a specific amount of money to buy a property. It outlines the terms and conditions of the loan, including the interest rate, repayment period, and any special conditions that need to be met. 

Typical Validity Period for Mortgage Offers 

In the UK, the validity period for mortgage offers ranges from three to six months. This means you have this amount of time from the date the offer is issued to complete the purchase of your property and draw down the funds.

Here are some common validity periods for several types of mortgages: 

Why do mortgage offers have expiry dates? 

Mortgage offers have expiry dates because the financial circumstances of borrowers and the economic environment can change. Six months is a long time therefore lenders need to reassess the risk periodically to ensure that the loan terms remain appropriate for both the borrower and the lender.

Factors such as changes in interest rates, your financial situation, or property values can influence the lender’s decision to honour the initial offer. 

What happens If your mortgage offer expires? 

If your mortgage offer expires before you complete the property purchase, you will need to reapply. This process can involve: 

  1. Reassessment of Your Financial Situation: The lender will need updated information about your income, expenses, and credit status.
  2. Property Revaluation: The lender may conduct another valuation of the property to ensure its value has not changed significantly. 
  3. Potential Changes in Terms: Interest rates and lending criteria may have changed since your original application, which could affect the terms of your new offer. 

Each lender will have its own process for mortgage offer extensions and as part of our mortgage broker service our team will complete this on your behalf. Being granted permission to extend your mortgage offer is not guaranteed and will be decided on a case-by-case basis, usually last minute, by the lender.  

Tips For Managing Your Mortgage Offer Validity Period 

To avoid the complications of an expired mortgage offer, here are some tips to help you manage the process effectively:

1. Plan Ahead

Be aware of the validity period of your mortgage offer and plan your property purchase timeline accordingly. Ensure that all parties involved (such as solicitors, surveyors, and sellers) are working towards the same timeline. 

2. Stay in Communication with Your Lender

Keep in regular contact with your lender to stay informed about any changes that might affect your mortgage offer. This includes updating them on any changes in your financial situation. 

3. Be Prompt with Paperwork

Delays in providing necessary documentation can slow down the process. Make sure you respond promptly to any requests from your lender or solicitor. 

4. Monitor the Market

Stay informed about changes in the housing market and interest rates, as these can affect your mortgage terms. If rates are rising, you might want to expedite your purchase to lock in your current rate. 

5. Credit

Taking on any additional credit commitments in the middle of buying a property can have severe implications which can lead to your mortgage offer being withdrawn. Even after your mortgage offer has been issued, you may be credit scored at any time in the process.  

6. Consider a Mortgage Broker

A mortgage broker can help you navigate the process, keep track of timelines, and find the best deal for your situation. 

Extending a Mortgage Offer 

In some cases, it might be possible to extend your mortgage offer if you are close to the expiry date but need more time to complete the purchase. Extensions are granted at the lender’s discretion and are not guaranteed. Here is what you might need to do: 


Understanding the validity period of your mortgage offer is crucial to ensuring a smooth property purchase. Most mortgage offers in the UK are valid for three to six months, giving you a reasonable window to complete your purchase.

By planning, staying in communication with your lender, and responding promptly to requests, you can manage this period effectively and avoid the need to reapply for a mortgage.

If you find yourself needing more time, talk to your mortgage advisor about the possibility of extending the offer. Remember, the goal is to secure your dream home with the best possible mortgage terms, and staying informed and proactive will help you achieve that. 

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Author Image of Malcolm Davidson - Managing Director of UK Moneyman Ltd.

About the Author

Malcolm Davidson

Managing Director of UK Moneyman LTD

Malcolm is one of the UK’s most well-known and respected Mortgage Advisors. He is passionate about providing a 5* customer experience and he has also trained and mentored dozens of fellow Advisors in a career that is now in its third decade.

In addition to his day to day duties as Managing Director, Malcolm still gives out mortgage advice and feels lucky that his job is also very much his hobby.

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