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Mortgage rates are falling as lenders cut deals. Act now to secure a competitive rate while opportunities remain available.
3 mins read
Whether you're a first-time buyer, home mover, or looking to remortgage, 2025 is shaping up to be an exciting year in the housing sector.
After an incredibly busy end to the year, we’re back to the start of a new chapter with the entire year ahead full of possibilities!
4 mins read
Rachel Reeves has unveiled significant updates in the budget, with several important changes set to impact landlords, investors, & buyers.
Bank of England cuts base rate to 5%, boosting consumer confidence. Fixed-rate mortgages fall, with sub-4% 5-year deals available.
5 mins read
The UK mortgage market has witnessed some fluctuations recently, with intense competition among lenders leading to changes to mortgage rates.
Explore Labour's impact on the housing market: Stamp Duty changes, housing shortages, and new home plans, as discussed by Malcolm Davidson.
6 mins read
Here is the latest mortgage news and tips across the market from our June newsletter, written by Malcolm Davidson of UK Moneyman.
Let's take a look at the year so far and what's been happening in the mortgage market recently.
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